April 21, 2018

How Vinyl Siding Benefits You

As a homeowner, there are a number of factors that can affect how much energy you’re using in your home. Most of us naturally think of areas like heating and cooling systems, but did you realize that the vinyl siding on your home can actually have a fairly large impact on your energy usage and utility bills? At Double T […]
March 2, 2018

Basics on Popular Window Styles

For those looking at options when it comes to new windows, you might be a bit overwhelmed. The modern marketplace features numerous window style options, each of which comes with a few practical and subjective benefits and drawbacks. At Double T Inc., we have a wide variety of options for you to choose from – plus experts who can help […]
February 2, 2018

Safety Precautions While Cleaning Rain Gutters

Regardless of what time of year it is, cleaning out gutters of leaves, dirt and other debris is an important home task. Keeping the rain gutter free of debris prevents damage that might crop up during the harsh winter, among other things. At Double T Inc., we’re here to help with all rain gutter repair and other issues – and […]
January 2, 2018

Preventing Ice and Snow Roof Damage

We’ve already seen a bit of snow so far in this Utah winter, and there’s surely more on the way. This means a few things for homeowners, and one of these is ensuring the roof is properly prepared for snowfall and the stress it places on the roof of the home. Should you be worried about snow damaging your roof? […]
October 1, 2017

Fall Window Cleaning Advice

The air is crisp, the leaves are beginning to turn, and fall is officially here. As the gateway into the harsh and cold winter, the fall is an optimal time for certain bits of home maintenance – including window cleaning. At Double-T, we’re here to help as you get started on fall window cleaning. Dirty windows block natural light and […]
September 1, 2017
custom metal roof turret

Dos and Don’ts for Maintaining Metal Roofing

One of the primary selling points for metal roofing is the generally low maintenance associated with it. With normal conditions, a good metal roof will outlast just about any other material you stack up against it. At Double-T, we offer metal roofing packages for both contractors and home owners alike. As we come into the colder parts of the year, […]
August 1, 2017
rain gutters

Preparing Rain Gutters for Summer

It’s summer, and in a hot and dry climate like Utah, you might naturally assume that this makes rain gutters less important during this season. Take it from the rain gutter repair specialists at Double-T, however: That’s not true. While it’s indeed true that less moisture may directly contact the gutters during the summer, their presence and function are still […]
July 1, 2017

Risks of an Inexperienced Siding Installer

If your home is in need of new siding for any area, you require a highly reputable siding vendor like Double T. Our technicians provide the highest level of expertise along with energy efficient options and top quality materials, and do it all with prompt and friendly service to boot. What are the risks of installing siding using a less […]
June 1, 2017

Important Factors in Choosing Window Style

At Double-T, we have a wide selection of numerous new window types, designs and styles to suit your needs. We partner with some of the top suppliers in the industry, and our technicians carry years of expertise in the field. When you’re looking for new windows, what should you be considering? Here are a few of the most important areas […]
May 1, 2017

Signs You Might Need New Windows

Windows are an important part of any home, both for aesthetic and practical reasons. The discerning homeowner is sure to maintain and care for their windows, and to look for replacements from a reputable vendor like Double T when the time is right. When might some of these times be? Let’s look at a few signs that it might be […]